Free from Addiction Not a single day went by that Fabian didn’t use heroin. He tried to hide the truth from his wife, but she had her suspicions. Fabian kept denying that he was an addict, until the day Alice found proof.

Fabian knew that he was about to lose his family. But he couldn’t seem to break the addiction - and time was running out.

That night Fabian turned on the TV, and found Solusi - CBN Indonesia's version of The 700 Club. Fabian's heart was moved as he watched the testimony of a man healed of his drug addiction. He believed that Jesus could free him too.

"And as the host prayed, I said this in my heart; 'God, please give me a chance to be healed, I don't know how this can happen, but I have faith in You,'" says Fabian

A week after that simple prayer, Fabian realized that he had not taken any drugs. He knew that he was free.

"I wondered that He healed me that fast," says Fabian. "God answered my prayer! I am not an addict anymore!"

When he realized what had happened, he confessed to Alice and asked her to forgive him.

" We were holding hands together," says Alice. "And we forgave each other, and we asked God to guide us because we wanted to follow His way"

"We are so happy today," says Fabian. "We now understand each other, help each other, and advise each other."

Solusi really helped us to show that God is a God of healing and restoration," says Alice.

When you become a CBN partner, you make it possible for millions just like Fabian to hear the liberating truth of Jesus Christ. Please join with us today.


As a 700 Club partner, you will not only share a message of hope and salvation to thousands every day, you also will provide wells for clean drinking water, food and clothing for children and their families, medical care, humanitarian aid and so much more.

Please join with us today!

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