Steven Scott: Jesus - Role Model for Success

Heather Salon And Terri Simmons THE GREATEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED

Steven K. Scott is excited to introduce people to Jesus in a way people have never looked at Him before. Jesus has been seen as a religious icon, but it is time to take Jesus out of organized religion and bring Him into the real world.  Jesus is God, but He is alive and interactive right now. He wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives. Steve says Jesus is his best friend. Steve wants the secular world to see Jesus in this way and show Christians how to bear a lot of fruit in every area of life. He wants to encourage them in their faith and in sharing the Gospel.

These days with the collapse of the financial market, people don’t feel secure. Steven wants to tell people that it is not wrong to succeed. Jesus was the most successful person. He accomplished all [26 missions] that He was assigned to do. Christians need to be “purpose accomplished Christians,” and go deeper, higher, and have more significance.  Many times, Christians set their sights too low and don’t achieve what they set out to do. By Jesus’ example, we can learn to accomplish all He set out for us to do. Mediocrity is the norm because Christians don’t overcome obstacles.

Steven is living proof of overcoming obstacles. His company is still one of the fastest growing companies, even currently in a downward economy. There are blessings to adversity and failure. Adversity has a role in our relationship with God. It is a stealth blessing and a normal part of life. It is important to look at how Jesus went through adversity. Jesus even says in John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (NIV). Adversity becomes a spring board for God and us. It draws us closer to Him and we learn valuable lessons to our overall success that we would not have learned otherwise.  


A year ago, Steven studied Jesus as a man and found that there were six things that set Him apart from other

Six Keys from the Life of Jesus are:


Steven says there are seven obstacles that keep most people from accomplishing their greatest goals:


Failure to plan for failure is one of the obstacles that Steven says people aren’t prepared for enough. Failure will come; you must plan for it. People get surprised and caught off guard when one of their efforts, endeavors, or projects fails – even when they experience major setbacks. No one succeeds without failing along the way. However, those who ultimately succeed learn the best way to deal with those failures – a way that will strengthen the foundation on which they will build a more significant and substantial success.

Learn all about Steven’s personal experiences with failure in a previous appearance on The 700 Club.


Steven met “The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived” (his best friend) in 1964.  He had actually known about God before, but when he found out that Santa Claus was not real at the age of ten, he figured God wasn’t real either. Although he kept going to church with his family and “did what the religious people around him did,” he didn’t believe in God. 

Shortly before he turned 16, his sister took him to a meeting of college students in a successful businessman’s home.  The focus of this meeting was Jesus, and the speaker that night was a scientist who was the head chemical engineer of one of the world’s largest aerospace companies. This man had been an atheist most of his life, but found a personal relationship with Jesus Christ after reading the Bible. Steven was blown away by his words and his conviction. After the meeting, the scientist spoke more to Steven about God and gave him Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis to read.  Steven went home that night, read the book, and came to a chapter that convinced him that God did exist.  

Steven's Book

The Greatest Words Ever SpokenThe Greatest Man Who Ever Lived



Author, The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived (Waterbrook 2009), The Richest Man Who Ever Lived (2006), Mentored by a Millionaire and Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams.

Writer, producer, director and marketing entrepreneur

Co-Founder of ATC (American Telecast Corporation)

Co-produced more than 20 best-selling videos

Co-authored two, million copy best-sellers with relationship expert, Dr. Gary Smalley

Wife, Shannon; 7 children (ages 7 to 37) and 5 grandchildren

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